Tuesday, December 4, 2012


You know what writers do? They write. You know what I do? I think about writing. I imagine what I might write. I make plans to write. Every once in a while, I trip over a pen and find that I've actually written something by accident. And it's good. I mean, not to toot my own horn ... but seriously, toot toot. I'll have that timeless period when "I" go away and it's just the words pouring out of me and I am a force instead of a person; more alive, more connected. I love that feeling, like I am using 100% of my brain and my heart and it is effortless. LOVE that feeling. But it's not always like that. Sometimes it's work. Sometimes it's prying ideas from train-of-thought wreckage. Sometimes it's trying to illuminate the things that avoid the light. It can be maddening. And the moments when I am wrestling that stubborn thought to the ground, the Censor shows up. That bitch has got. my. number.

For instance - I'll hear a song and think, "man, I really want to blog about the reference in that line or the raw truth laid bare in the chorus" or ... whatever. Then I think, "who cares?" In so many ways, I really don't have the ego to blog. Oh, I have opinions like everyone else, I just listen to that insidious voice that tells me that no one wants to hear about them. Nobody is profound all the time, not even Stephen Fry. I just read a great post from Jenny McCarthy on her blog and it was about being a field trip mom and churning butter. Honestly. And it was hilarious.

So, what have we learned here today, children? Maybe I can go easy on myself. I'm not writing the Bible, it's a blog. Maybe I can just shut up with the negative self-talk and write already. Because writers write, ya'll.

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